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Summit Psychological Services has adopted a "slow-reopening" approach in order to meet the needs of some of our clients and to comply with professional, state and federal regulating bodies. Every effort has been made to adapt our operations to maximize the health and safety of our dedicated staff and their clients who are coming into our offices.


At the current time, our physical office is running at a reduced capacity so we are asking our clients to consider the need to physically come into the office.  Since Telehealth has been a successful alternative to in-person sessions, we require you to discuss the risks and benefits of coming into the office with your therapist and/or a medical professional.


If you and your therapist make the decision to hold your session in person, you will need to follow the new office protocols which are specific to receiving in-person services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Telehealth Options: Services

The Decision To Use In-Person Services

Telehealth Options: Services

In-Person Services will be provided in the office at Summit Psychological with the following provisions:


  • The therapist and you agree that meeting at the office in person represents a minimal risk to your health and to the health of your therapist.  Together, you and your therapist have discussed and determined that the benefit of meeting in the office in person outweighs the potential health risks during COVID-19.



Coming to the SPS Office for Your Appointment

  • Please confirm your appointment with your therapist.  

  • Take your temperature before leaving home.  Anything above 100.4 F is considered a fever and you need to reschedule your appointment.  You will not be charged for rescheduling your appointment in less than 24 hours.  If your temperature is 103 F or higher or if you’ve had a fever for more than 3 days, call your doctor. 

  • Download and take the COVID-19 Screening Tool App.  It will indicate whether you should proceed with further testing and whether you should reschedule your therapy appointment.  (see image below)

  • Please minimize waiting time.  We are requiring clients to wait in their cars or outside until they are called on the phone to come in for their appointment.

  • If you must wait in the waiting room, please use the seats which are not marked as unavailable.

  • Upon entering the office, one of the Administrative staff will take your temperature using a non-contact infrared thermometer.  You will also be required to answer the pre-appointment screening questions.

  • You are required to wear a mask at all times  when you are in the waiting room and common ares, keep a social distance of 6 feet, refrain from physical contact and wash/sanitize your hands regularly.  Clients who are vaccinated can discuss the choice of wearing masks in the individual therapy rooms with their therapists.

  • Only one adult can accompany a minor for a session, unless a different arrangement has been made between you and your therapist.  We recommend that you leave the waiting room once your child is in their session and return to pick them up at the end of the appointment.

  • Follow all the SPS safety precautions and measures which are in place.

  • All paperwork can be done using “Verifyle” – a secure email system which is HIPPA compliant and protects your privacy.  You will need to provide the Administrative staff with your email address. 

  • Payment can be made at the time of service using the touchless payment system.



Please do not hesitate to contact your therapist or talk to the Administrative staff if you have any questions.  You can also refer to our Website for any changes in our policies. 

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Telehealth Options: Text
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