About Our Services
(Latest Update May 2023)
Dear SPS Clients & Community,
Minimizing the spread of the coronavirus continues to be a major concern in our country and across the globe. Here at Summit Psychological Services we take the health, well-being, and safety of our clients very seriously. In light of that, we continue to monitor Federal and State regulations, including the declaration of the end of the pandemic, and update the safety guidelines and precautions in our office. Our goal is to minimize disruptions to your therapy and still provide you access to our SPS team.
THE LATEST UPDATE ( MAY 2023): Wearing a mask in the SPS office is a personal choice. Masks must be worn in the waiting room and common areas regardless of your vaccination status. Once you are in the therapy room with your therapist you can discuss your comfort levels about removing masks.
Staying healthy is in our DNA. While we cannot control the spread of COVID-19, we can focus our thoughts, prayers, and actions on those who are vulnerable, on keeping our community safe and looking after our mental health and well-being. Take very good care of yourselves, friends and family members.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me personally on 908.273.5558 x 112
Alison Johnson, PsyD
Managing Director