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What Is The Goal of
Neuropsychological Testing?


  • Obtain information which assists the clinician to have a more comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioral function


  • Obtain baselines which will be used to compare the progression of an illness or the severity of an injury.


  • Assess how a medical disorder is affecting psychological functioning.


  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of an individual’s functioning so that plans can be made for assistance and support for daily living.


  • Identify problems with cognition, even though they may be very subtle.


  • Differentiate patients with anxiety and depression from those with cognitive impairment.               


  • Help the treatment team to identify and prioritize which disorders are being treated.




Neuropsychological Evaluations in Adults

RYAN W. SCHROEDER, PsyD; PHILLIP K. MARTIN, PhD; and ANNE WALLING, MB, ChB, University of Kansas School of Medicine–Wichita, Wichita, Kansas

Am Fam Physician. 2019 Jan 15;99(2):101-108.

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