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Image by Matheus Ferrero


“Generation Z - Males” – are you one of them?  If you identify as a young male born after 1996 you belong to the generation that has the highest rates in the population of stress and mental health problems!  At SPS we also know that boys and men grow up to have the highest rates of suicide, physical and mental health problems.  However, males are a lot less likely than females to reach out for help!  Alarmingly, young males complete suicides at three times the rate of females and suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24. The problem is that from an early age you have been given false expectations: “you must be self-reliant, strong, suck it up, stuff your feelings and manage your problems on your own”




You can breathe a sigh of relief!  Here’s the truth: 


  • Young males need to talk through their emotions.  They can feel deeply!

  • They need close friendships and support

  • They need a safe place to discuss stereotypes and bullying

  • They need to explore dating and relationships


Young males need a place where they can go for help and break away from the stigma that they should keep up a strong appearance at all costs.  The male teen psychotherapy group at SPS is that place.  It is a group of young men going through the stress of being a teen and particularly a male one!  Here you will find the type of support from those who really understand what you are going through.


The group is currently not meeting due to COVID.  However, there are plans to start the group back in person as soon as it is safe to do so.  The group will be made up of young men between the ages of 14 and 18. The group will meet in-person at our office: 482 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901.


  • Leader:  to be determined

  • Time:  to be determined

  • Fee: $90/session (Health insurance plans may cover Group Psychotherapy)




If your son has an interest in this group, then we would like to be able to discuss it further with you. It is our experience that teenagers tend to work particularly well in a therapy group where they perceive that others can relate to them and are willing to accept feedback from their peers. Additionally, the group provides the young adults with an opportunity to develop a healthy support network for one another.


(908) 273 5558

482 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901

©2019 - 2022  by Summit Psychological Services, PA
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